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How can I handle my emotions?

Hey Disha, I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately. There are days when I get super emotional, like when I miss my school bus, forget my homework, and then argue with my best friend—all in one day! Everything just piles up, and I can’t control my emotions. How can I stay in control of my feelings and remain happy mentally? Do you have any tips or personal experiences that might help? Siya (16) Delhi. 

Teens Mental Health

Hey Siya! First off, huge props to you for thinking about your mental health. It’s super important, and you’re already on the right track by reaching out!

You are not alone

Let me share a little story. There was a time when I felt like everything was out of control. My grades were slipping, my friendships felt shaky, and I was just overwhelmed. But I found some tricks that helped me bounce back. So, let’s dive into some fun ways to keep your mind happy and healthy! 

Breathe in, breathe out 

I know words like meditation and mindfulness look like big words, don’t get scared. Ever tried sitting quietly and just breathing? I know it sounds boring, but trust me, it works wonders! Videos or audios on YouTube and Spotify can guide you through it. Once, I used this spotify playlist before a big exam, and it totally calmed my nerves. Just 10 minutes of focusing on your breath can make a huge difference!

Stress-busting techniques like deep breathing or visualizing calm scenes can work wonders. I learned a simple deep breathing exercise that I use before exams or when I’m feeling overwhelmed. Close your eyes, breathe in for four counts, hold for four, and breathe out for four. Try it—instant calm!

Get moving 

The next tip is moving. Think exercise is just for fitness freaks? Nope! It’s great for your mind too. I started dancing around my room when I felt stressed, and it was a blast. Dancing, jogging, or even a brisk walk can release those happy chemicals called endorphins. Once, I joined a Zumba class, and it was like an instant mood booster!

Dear diary…

Yes, we have one on our Instagram but I want you to try this trick to control your feelings. Ever tried writing down your thoughts? When you feel that your brain  is going to explode, pen down your thoughts. I often write about my day, my dreams, and even doodle. It’s like talking to a friend who listens without judging. Give it a try, and you’ll see how much lighter you feel!

Whether it’s drawing, painting, or playing music, being creative is a great outlet. I once painted a picture of my dog, and it felt so good to express myself. It doesn’t have to be perfect; it’s just about getting those feelings out. Plus, you might discover a hidden talent!

Talking to friends

Whenever you are feeling down, talking to friends and family can be super comforting. There was a time when I was freaking out about my Math test marks. My friend and I had a movie night, and just talking things through made everything seem less scary. Don’t underestimate the power of a good chat with someone who cares.

Structured routine, even for sleep

I know, routines sound boring, but they really help. During the lockdown, I made a daily schedule, and it gave me a sense of normalcy. Try setting regular times for sleep, meals, schoolwork, and fun activities. It can really help manage anxiety and keep your mood steady.

At the same time, don’t forget that sleep is crucial! I used to stay up late scrolling through my phone, and it made me so cranky. Now, I have a bedtime routine—no screens an hour before bed, a warm shower, and a good book. It’s like magic for your mood and energy levels!

Limiting exposure to triggers

Sometimes, it’s best to step back from things that stress you out. I had a friend who had to take a break from social media when it was making her anxious. Setting boundaries in personal relationships or taking a digital detox can really help manage your stress levels.

This could involve telling friends when you need some alone time, letting family members know when you can’t be disturbed, or making it clear to a partner what behaviors you find unacceptable. These boundaries help protect your mental space and ensure that your relationships are supportive rather than draining.

Imagine you have a friend who always wants to vent about their problems, and it leaves you feeling drained. You could say, “Hey, I really care about you, but I need some time to myself right now. Can we chat about this later?” This way, you’re still being a good friend but also taking care of your own needs.

Digital detox 

Now, let’s talk about the digital detox. We all love our phones, but sometimes we need a break from the constant notifications, social media drama, and endless scrolling. A digital detox is like hitting the reset button on your brain. It’s all about unplugging from screens and giving your mind a much-needed break.

If you’re feeling stressed out from seeing everyone’s perfect lives on Instagram, try taking a break. Maybe decide to spend your weekends without checking your phone, or turn off notifications in the evenings. You’ll be amazed at how much calmer and happier you feel!

Both setting boundaries and taking a digital detox help you take control of your life. They give you the space and time to recharge, reflect, and do things that make you happy. Plus, they help you stay in control of your emotions and keep your stress levels in check.

So, the next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, try setting some boundaries or unplugging for a bit. Your mind will thank you!

Seeking professional help

Remember, taking care of your mind is just as important as taking care of your body. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or just not like yourself, it’s perfectly okay to ask for help. 

Just like you’d ask for help in math, seeking help for your feelings and thoughts is perfectly fine. There are doctors, counselors, and therapists who can give you the tools to deal with mental health issues. You’re not alone, and talking about it is the first step toward feeling better. If you don’t have access to a doctor or a counsellor, start with speaking to a trusted adult, who can help you find the right solutions. 

So, Siya, keep these tips in your toolkit and start working on them. And, remember, it’s brave to reach out for help! You’ve got this!

To learn more about the topic, do check out this cool video :

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