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Canteen Talk

Chit-chat from across the country
  • ‘His touch did not feel good, what can I do?’

    Team TeenBook | On 16-01-2023
    Ria travels to school by public transport. On the bus, a man touched her breasts and it made her feel uncomfortable. She was not sure if it was by accident or on purpose. She did not know what she could do about it. Sahil too got groped by another man while returning home from his Continue reading...
  • Was it my fault?

    Sanya Ghai | On 08-03-2022
    Gunjan, 14, came back home running and was scared when a group of boys passed inappropriate remarks on her shorts and legs. She thought it was her fault that she wore such clothes. But was it? Let’s find out in this week’s Curocity’s Central.   Shutterstock/Thesamphotography/Person in the photo is a model. ‘I am sorry!’ “Di, Continue reading...