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Teen Guide
Understanding Others

Understanding Others

Aarav got really confused when he got to know that Sahil likes him. What was this feeling that Sahil had for him? Not everyone grows in the same way. Not everyone feels the same way. Not everyone has similar choices. It is important to understand, appreciate and enjoy these differences

He likes me

  • Diversity

    Yesterday, we were playing a game after school. Everyone had to write the name of their crush along with their own and put it in a bottle. The paper chit with my name had no other name on it! I was so surprised. Later, Saahil came up to me and said that he had put that chit in. He also said he liked me and then walked off towards his home.

    Sahil likes me. Hmm… He has left me a bit confused. What do I do now?

    Also, check out this amazing video on Diversity below. Read the rest of the article below the video: 

A Rainbow Of Choices

  • As we grow up, we may be attracted to people of different gender (boy-girl) or to people of the same gender (boy-boy and girl-girl). This is known as sexual orientation.
  • As we grow we may begin to explore and understand our orientation. However, it may be quite later in life that we fully understand how we feel. Allow yourself time.
  • It’s common to feel attracted to someone from the same gender when you are growing up.
  • It’s possible that boys are attracted to boys and girls attracted to girls.
  • it is not necessary that everyone will go through similar feelings and at the same time. If there is no attraction towards anyone, that is also perfectly okay.
  • Romantic attraction and relationship between males and females is known as heterosexuality.
  • Romantic attraction and relationship between people of the same gender is known as homosexuality. If it’s between a male and a male, it is called a gay relationship.
  • Between two females, it is known as a lesbian relationship.
  • Attraction towards both the genders, male and female, is known as bisexuality.

He, she, her, his, they, theirs

  • Diversity

    What does everyone mean I should dress like a girl! What does dressing like a girl mean!

    Everything seems to be for him or for her; for Mr or for Miss. Sure, I was born as a girl. But I have never felt like one.

More Than A Girl And Boy

  • When a baby is born, they are either marked as a boy or a girl based on the differences in their genitals.
  • If the baby has a penis it’s a boy and if the baby has a vagina it’s a girl. This is known as the sex of the person and not the gender of the person.
  • Sex and Gender are two different things. As opposed to the sex of a person, gender is the way a person feels about themselves.
  • It can be similar to the sex they were allotted at birth or different from the sex allotted at birth.
  • A person who agrees with the sex they were given at birth is known as Cisgender.
  • So, a person who was born a boy at birth and identifies with being a boy is a cisman. A person who was born a girl at birth and identifies with being a girl is a ciswoman.
  • There are many people who do not relate to the gender they were given at birth. They are called transgender.
  • So, a person who was born a boy but identifies as a girl is called transwoman. A person who was born a girl but identifies as a boy is called a transman.
  • Gender is how someone feels and thinks. You cannot know someone’s gender until they share it with you. Also you cannot assume gender on the basis of their clothes.
  • A difference in gender does not affect the friendship and relationship between two people.
  • As we grow we may begin to explore and understand our gender. However, it may be quite later in life that we fully understand how we feel. Allow yourself time.

I am more than what you see

  • Diversity
    Naina joined our class last week. She’s such a good singer and a mimic. We were rolling with laughter when she acted as Donald Duck after the sports class! Yesterday, she told us about her accident as a child because of which she now uses a wheelchair.
  • Diversity
    Today we had Sibling Day at our school. Soorja was finally able to see my school. She was so happy. My sister is special. She needs a little extra effort to make things easy for her. She was so excited to meet all my friends and invited them all to her birthday party this weekend!

Ability In Disability

  • Some of us are born with a disability or develop a disability later in life.
  • That means we may be unable to perform certain tasks as well as others of our age-group. But a disability is not a disease or a sickness.
  • Disability can be of different types – Physical, Emotional or Mental.
  • A physical disability involves difficulty in seeing, hearing or walking.
  • A mental disability could involve difficulties in learning and comprehension.
  • An emotional or behavioral disability is a disability that impacts a person’s ability to effectively recognize, interpret, control, and express fundamental emotions.
  • A disability doesn’t define a person. It is one aspect of their life, a very challenging one, but it is important to understand and get to know a person fully, instead of just focusing on their disability.
  • It’s ok to have questions and ask disabled persons about their disabilities. However, it is important to be empathetic.
  • It is important to use the right language. For example, using the word retard for a disabled person is wrong.

It hurts

  • It’s hard you know. I have always been teased for ‘looking like a boy’. But I am having a particularly hard time at this new school. Yesterday, someone also posted rude comments on my snapchat account.

    I feel very lonely and miss my friends from my old school. Why did I have to be different? I am not sure what to do.

Different Yet Similar

  • We are all different in our likes/dislikes, ways of thinking, bodies, looks, favourites, hobbies and the list is long.
  • Our ‘differences’ (compared to others) make each one of us special and unique.
  • For example, if everyone could bat like Virat Kohli and play tennis like Sania Mirza, then how would Virat and Sania be special?
  • So if our differences make us special, how come we tease others when we find them a bit different from us?
  • How would you feel, if you were teased, for something that made you different from others?
  • We should treat everyone just as we expect others to treat us. With kindness, empathy and understanding.
  • Everyone should feel safe, happy and as a part of the group. Would you take the lead for that in yours?

Now I know

  • Now I understand Saahil’s feelings and know just how to respond back. Just by being nice, which I already am!
  • Diversity
    It’s also good to know that it’s ok to ask and talk about these things with our Trusted Adults. That was a huge relief!
  • Diversity
    And I am going to make sure everyone feels a part of the group – whether at school or at our housing complex.

All About Diversity

  • Growing up is about exploring and understanding more about oneself.
  • It is important to know that people and relationships are diverse.
  • Who we are attracted to romantically, physically and sexually defines our orientation.
  • Romantic attraction between people of the same gender is called homosexuality.
  • Romantic attraction between people of the opposite gender is known as hetreosexuality.
  • Sex and Gender are two different things. As opposed to the sex of a person, gender is the way a person feels about themselves.
  • Transgender are people who do not agree with the sex they were given at birth.
  • Some individuals are born with a disability or develop a disability later in life.
  • Disability doesn’t define a person. It is one aspect of their life, a very challenging one, but it is important to understand and get to know a person fully, instead of just focusing on their disability.

Listen to this podcast –

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