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    Why can’t I watch an ‘A’ movie?

    Himani Bakhda | Nov 30th, 2021
    Avanti, 14, overheard a bunch of friends in her class talk excitedly about an ‘A’ rated (18+ film) on Netflix. This made her curious. So, after school she tried to watch an ‘A’ film on her sister Manali’s (19) laptop. Here’s what happens next… A for Adventure Avanti was eating her lunch during the break Continue reading...
  • What is mental health: A lesson from Bollywood!

    Team TeenBook | On 16-07-2024
    Rehan was more excited than usual to reach school and talk to his gang (Mehul, Ria, Shanaya, Nitin, Adya) at the canteen about a movie he saw last night. Rehan’s gang had a ritual of discussing movies and series they watch and dissecting them bit by bit, discussing what they like, what they hate, and Continue reading...
  • Why don’t we get people at times: Understanding Empathy

    Shreya | On 12-07-2024
    Aarav, Riya and Rohan’s lunchtime debate takes an unexpected turn as they try to figure out the secret to stronger friendships and better understanding in their everyday lives. Want to figure this out too? Listen in to their Canteen talk.     Aarav and Riya were still buzzing from their last debate with Rohan about Continue reading...
  • Why is my life so hard!

    Shreya | On 08-07-2024
    Raghav didn’t make the cricket team. How did he handle the disappointment, and what valuable lessons did he learn along the way? Dive into this week’s edition to explore Raghav’s journey as he shares a heartfelt page from his diary.     Dear diary,  Today was tough. I mean, seriously tough. Life feels like one Continue reading...
  • I feel so lost

    Shreya | On 18-06-2024
    Meet Aditi, a 17-year-old girl, a happy go lucky person with a vibrant personality. Lately, she’s been feeling unsure about herself. Who is she, and what does she want for her future? All her friends seem very sure of who they are and what they want to do. Shouldn’t she have also figured it out Continue reading...
  • Is paneer overrated? Understanding perspectives

    Shreya Misra | On 12-06-2024
    Say hello to Aarav and Riya, the ultimate frenemy duo always on the hunt for their next debate topic. This time, it’s all about paneer! But hold up, when their senior, Rohan, swoops in, things take an interesting turn. Wondering what magic words Rohan dropped to make them rethink their stance? Keep reading to find Continue reading...
  • Are you okay? Understanding well-being

    Team TeenBook | On 17-05-2024
    Siyona casually asks Aarushi, her classmate, “Hey, how’s it going? You good?” But before she knows it, Aarushi is in tears. Siyona is puzzled – Aarushi seemed fine a minute ago. But there’s clearly something deeper bothering her. It’s a reminder that even when we seem okay on the surface, we might be struggling emotionally. Continue reading...
  • I failed my exams, what do I do?

    Disha | On 13-05-2024
    Hi Disha. I just checked out my midterm results and they’re… not good. I am freaking out. How will I tell my parents? What should I do? Please help! Arin, 14 Lucknow.     Hey there! So, you got the news about your midterms, huh? Well, grab a seat and lend me your ear, because Continue reading...
  • What makes you unique!

    Nehaa Singh | On 10-05-2024
    Want to find out why you have curly hair but your friend has straight hair? Or why do you look like your mom but your brother does not? TeenBook is here to help The genie of genes Genes are fascinating! They basically define the traits you inherit from your parents. They provide the information that Continue reading...
  • How to handle peer pressure?

    Abhimanyu R | On 07-05-2024
    Everyone faces peer pressure about some or the other thing – sometimes it’s a PS4 or a smartphone that your classmate has but you don’t, while other times it is the pressure over good grades that your sibling gets but you do not. Some people sulk under the pressure while others can gain strength from Continue reading...