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Calm Corner

I felt so…off.

Sia, 17, is getting ready for her farewell party at school but nothing she wears is sitting right with her. She’s changed countless outfits but the only thing getting worse is her mood. Read along as she shares her experience and figures out what’s behind that “off” feeling in this edition of That’s puzzling. 

She stood in front of her mirror, staring at her reflection, and no matter what she tried, something just felt…off. She had tried on her entire wardrobe, and nothing felt right or good enough. She even considered staying home instead of going to the party. What was the point anyway?

And this wasn’t the first time Sia had felt this way. So taking a break from the “I have nothing to wear” parade, she started scrolling through her Instagram, where she saw a post from Teenbook. It was about something called self-esteem. 

Your inner glow-up

The post explained that self-esteem is basically how you see yourself, and it’s like your own personal battery. It’s what makes you feel valuable and capable, no matter what’s going on in your life. If the battery is low, you might feel sluggish, unmotivated, or more sensitive to criticism, and it might even affect your energy levels. And a full battery will make you feel energized and ready to take on the world. You’re more confident, can handle setbacks without falling apart, and feel proud of your achievements.

The post also pointed out that self-esteem isn’t about being flawless all the time. It’s about knowing you’re still worth it, even when your hair’s a mess or you didn’t ace that test.

 Sia’s self-esteem check

Sia flopped onto her bed, thinking about the party again. “Maybe I don’t feel good because I’m so caught up in what everyone else thinks of me,” she thought. She remembered how Meera always praised her sense of humor and how her English teacher loved her creative writing. But every time someone complimented her, Sia would shrug it off, thinking, “They’re just being nice.”

The post said that building self-esteem starts with self-acceptance. It’s like saying, “Hey, I’m not perfect, but that’s cool. I’m still pretty awesome in my own way.” Sia realized she’d spent too much time comparing herself to others on social media and at school, feeling like she was always coming up short. But what if she just stopped? What if she could be okay with herself, flaws and all?

Self-esteem and 5G

Sia learned that having strong self-esteem isn’t just about feeling good for a few minutes. It’s like having a solid 5G network—keeping things running smoothly no matter where you are. Here’s why:

  1. You make better decisions: When you believe in yourself, you make choices that are good for you, not just what others want. Like saying “no” to skipping class because you don’t want to fall behind, or choosing a challenging role in the school play because you know you can handle it. It’s like having a strong signal that helps you navigate tricky situations without dropping the call.
  2. Handling criticism like a pro: A healthy self-esteem means that when people throw shade, you don’t let it hit you too hard. You’re the network tower; they’re just having connection issues. 
  3. Confidence to take risks: Sia realized that her low self-esteem had been stopping her from trying new things. Whether it was asking a question in class or going to a social event, she always hit “pause” on herself. A strong self-esteem would be like switching from buffering to full-speed streaming—no hesitations.
  4. Stronger relationships: When you feel good about yourself, you don’t need others to constantly validate you. It’s like both you and your bestie having full signal—everything just flows better when there’s mutual respect and no neediness.

 No more buffering

That night, Sia made up her mind. She wasn’t going to skip the party just because she didn’t feel 100% confident. Sure, she still had some doubts about what she’d wear or if she’d fit in, but that didn’t mean she had to sit this one out. Instead, she decided she’d go and focus on having a good time, not on what people might think.

As she walked to Meera’s house, she still felt a bit nervous. But then she remembered what she had read—every step outside your comfort zone is a win for your self-esteem. Even if she wasn’t feeling totally “Battery fully charged,” showing up was a victory in itself.

When she walked in and saw Meera grinning ear to ear, something inside her relaxed. Sia wasn’t worried about looking perfect anymore. She was just there, being herself—and that felt more than enough.

Sia realized that just like your phone can’t always stay at 100% charged, it’s okay if your self-esteem has its ups and downs too. What’s important is that you don’t let it stay low for too long. 

Just like you’d plug in your phone to recharge, it’s important to do things that boost your self-esteem—whether it’s hanging out with friends who lift you up, achieving small goals that make you proud, or simply giving yourself some love and appreciation. Because when you take care of your self-esteem, you’re ensuring that you’re ready to tackle whatever life throws your way, with confidence and resilience.

To be continued

Sia’s story didn’t end at that party. Self-esteem isn’t a one-time glow-up—it’s more like regular software updates. Some days, you might feel like the software is lagging, and that’s okay. It’s not about feeling amazing every single day, but about trusting yourself, even when things feel slow.

In the end, Sia realized that self-esteem is the ultimate upgrade. It’s what helps you keep your life running smoothly, no matter what kind of connection issues you face. And the best part? You don’t need anyone else’s permission to level up—it’s all you.

So keep upgrading, keep believing in yourself, and remember—you’re more than enough, even on your off days. 

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