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    Why can’t I watch an ‘A’ movie?

    Himani Bakhda | Nov 30th, 2021
    Avanti, 14, overheard a bunch of friends in her class talk excitedly about an ‘A’ rated (18+ film) on Netflix. This made her curious. So, after school she tried to watch an ‘A’ film on her sister Manali’s (19) laptop. Here’s what happens next… A for Adventure Avanti was eating her lunch during the break Continue reading...
  • Try being a girl for a day?

    Himani Bakhda | On 10-05-2020
    What if you wake up one day feeling different? Not just a different feeling but a different person, of a different gender. This happened with Krish and he shares his bizarre dream with TeenBook.  Go play a girly sport  Krish and Diya were fifteen years old twin siblings. Both had very similar interests. They enjoyed Continue reading...