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    Teen learning about empathy and compassion

    What does the ‘F’ word mean?

    Team TeenBook | May 15th, 2020
    Arjun (12) wasn’t sure if he should ask his mom what it meant but many of his classmates had been using the word during fights and he didn’t quite understand what it meant. The other day he almost uttered it in response to a rude classmate. ‘I can ask you, right? ‘Mom, what does f@uk Continue reading...
  • Why are periods so painful for some?

    Team TeenBook | On 28-07-2021
    While some discomfort during periods is normal but if your periods are so painful that they are hindering your day to day activities – then there may be an underlying cause. In today’s Science Lab, we explore the reasons behind painful periods and remedies to help you deal with the pain. Photo: Shutterstock/comodigit/Person in the Continue reading...
  • My friends make fun of my clothes

    Disha | On 15-07-2021
    My friends make fun of my fashion sense. I try to laugh it off but it really hurts my feelings. What should I do? Trisha, 16, Bhopal. Friends, really?  Heyyy! So I hear an issue but I’m just going to ignore the word ‘friends’ in it because friends don’t make their friends feel bad about Continue reading...
  • What is an erection?

    Team TeenBook | On 14-07-2021
    Arush, 13, was really confused while brushing his teeth in the morning when he felt something in his shorts. Why was his penis feeling a bit hard and erect? It also happened to him while watching a movie the other day. Is it normal? Should he tell someone? Science Lab comes to Arush’s aid. The Continue reading...
  • Disha, should I get a tattoo?

    Disha | On 09-07-2021
    Disha, should I get a tattoo? My parents will freak out but I want to get one so badly. Vasu, 15, Gurgaon. Huge commitment  Hey Vasu.  So sabse pehle to bro I relaaaaaate. I wanted to get a tattoo so bad when I was around your age. I had it all planned out too. The Continue reading...
  • My parents compare me to others!

    Disha | On 05-07-2021
    Hey Disha. My parents always compare me to other kids of my age, I’m so tired of it. What should I do? Arsh, 14, Lucknow. It’s not uncommon Arre arre, shaant baalak! Take a deep breath and calm down. Cool? Toh, now let’s talk about the issue here. Comparison. I guess nobody here is a Continue reading...
  • What is a menstrual cup?

    Shreya Mishra | On 16-06-2021
    Girls, did you know there are a lot of hygiene options during periods – sanitary pads, tampons, menstrual cups! Wait – what cup? The menstrual cup is a relatively new device for menstrual hygiene and the best part – it is super eco-friendly! Curious? Dig right in. Photo: Shutterstock/Pixel-shot/Person in the photo is a model  Continue reading...
  • How to stay positive ?

    Umeza Peera | On 15-06-2021
    From friends and family being unwell to anxiety about exams, this summer has been hard for many of us. TeenBook brings tried and tested mechanisms for coping with tough situations. Photo: Shutterstock/Prostock-studio/Persons in the photo are models.  Surround yourself with positive people A person is known by the company he/she keeps. It is indeed important Continue reading...
  • Romeo and Juliet: The 2021 edition!

    Umeza Peera | On 17-05-2021
    Remember “Romeo and Juliet?. They both could not think of a life beyond each other. But if Romeo and Juliet lived today, would they have done the same? Curious? Let’s read the story with a TeenBook twist! Photo: Shutterstock/Chris Bourloton/The persons in the picture are models, names changed. School sweethearts  “You guys look so cute Continue reading...
  • I felt so confused!

    Sanya Ghai | On 22-04-2021
    Sneha was under a lot of pressure and stress when she was about to choose her subjects for class 11. She made a decision for all the wrong reasons and later regretted it. How did she eventually realise her mistake? She shares her story with TeenBook. Photo: Shutterstock/Daniel M Ernst/Person in photo is a model. Continue reading...