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    Teen learning about empathy and compassion

    What does the ‘F’ word mean?

    Team TeenBook | May 15th, 2020
    Arjun (12) wasn’t sure if he should ask his mom what it meant but many of his classmates had been using the word during fights and he didn’t quite understand what it meant. The other day he almost uttered it in response to a rude classmate. ‘I can ask you, right? ‘Mom, what does f@uk Continue reading...
  • ‘I felt happy and guilty!’

    Team TeenBook | On 11-01-2023
    Meher (18) crushed over Viaan (19) for a couple of years and both were thick friends now. They both were at a party when something magical happened. She felt happy and guilty at the same time for something she loved doing so much. She shares her story with TeenBook.  ‘See me on the terrace’  I Continue reading...
  • How to deal with failures?

    Dr Shishir Palsapure | On 06-01-2023
    ‘I told you to study more, now look at your marks!’ ‘Did you give your 100%, no!’ ‘The whole day you are on your phone, yeh to hona he tha’. Do these dialogues sound familiar? When you get unexpected/below-average marks in exams, do taunts from teachers and parents stress you out? Then read on. TeenBook’s Continue reading...
  • Disability and dating: Tips for teenagers

    Team TeenBook | On 23-12-2022
    Shagun (16) is a person with a disability. She has a crush on a guy in their class but does not know how to navigate the situation. Should she ask her crush out? What will people think? Is it hard for persons with disabilities to be in a relationship? Let’s find out in this week Continue reading...
  • How do trans people experience puberty?

    Team TeenBook | On 23-12-2022
    The start of periods and the growth of breasts in girls and facial hair and voice change in boys. Common signs of puberty in most boys and girls. But what if you are a boy who feels like a girl or vice versa? What would puberty feel like then? Very confusing. Won’t it? We talk Continue reading...
  • Why does my vagina itch?

    Team TeenBook | On 20-12-2022
    Navya (15)  often has that sudden and dire need to itch down there. It leaves her embarrassed, especially in her class, in front of other students. It sometimes bothers her so much that she can’t focus on anything. Does this seem like your story? Why does vaginal itching happen? Let’s find out why and what Continue reading...
  • Male bodies: Learn about penis

    Team TeenBook | On 07-12-2022
    The penis is the name of the male sexual and reproductive organ. In addition to passing urine from the body, the penis also has a role in reproduction. Let’s find out more about penises in this week’s Curocity Central.  A person whose biological sex is male; is born with a penis at the time of Continue reading...
  • How to keep New Year resolutions?

    Rishika | On 03-12-2022
    “I will exercise regularly”, “I will not eat junk food”, “I will study seriously”. Ever wondered why we make New Year resolutions? And more importantly how to keep them! Then stop wondering and read on. We’ve got it all covered – in this edition of Science Lab. New Year, New Me! You must have heard Continue reading...
  • A hairy adventure gone wrong!

    Sukanya Ghosh | On 11-11-2022
    We rarely talk about the first time we notice our genital organs or the changes that occur in these organs during puberty. Isn’t it so? Well, not with our dear Trisha (15). Her discovery of her pubic hair is quite a story and one with a hair-curling twist in the end. Curious? Well, come then Continue reading...
  • Can I be friends with my ex?

    Team TeenBook | On 21-10-2022
    Kaynaat and Ahaan broke up last week. Ahaan got a message from her saying she still wants to be friends with him. Is this even possible, he thought. Can you just be friends with someone you once loved? We look into Ahaan’s problem in this week’s That’s Puzzling. Here are a few tips if you Continue reading...