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    Teen learning about empathy and compassion

    What does the ‘F’ word mean?

    Team TeenBook | May 15th, 2020
    Arjun (12) wasn’t sure if he should ask his mom what it meant but many of his classmates had been using the word during fights and he didn’t quite understand what it meant. The other day he almost uttered it in response to a rude classmate. ‘I can ask you, right? ‘Mom, what does f@uk Continue reading...
  • What can you do when a friend comes out to you?

    Team TeenBook | On 08-06-2023
    Tina’s best friend just came out to her! She told her that she doesn’t feel attracted to boys and only feels attracted to girls. Though Teena was happy for her friend, she did not completely understand what this meant. Coming out was a new concept for her and she was confused about how she can Continue reading...
  • ‘You must date cute guys’

    Umeza Peera | On 30-05-2023
    Twinkle (20) told her chachi (aunt) that she likes girls and her chachi advised her to date cute guys. Did she not hear her correctly? What and where was the confusion? Twinkle shares a page of her diary with TeenBook.  Exploring myself Dear Diary,  As a child, I hated wearing frocks, never liked Barbies, and Continue reading...
  • What does LGBTQIA mean?

    Team Teenbook | On 30-05-2023
    You’ve heard your friends talk about these terms or perhaps in a recent movie you were watching. Or there could be some emotions you may be noticing yourself. So if these terms and words are playing on your mind, then read on. The term LGBTQIA stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex and asexual. Continue reading...
  • What causes irregular periods?

    Umeza Peera | On 28-05-2023
    Menstruation/periods are called irregular when the length of the cycle is more than 35 days, or if the duration varies every time it happens. There are multiple causes for an irregular cycle. for the same. Let’s dig into the reasons in this week’s Science Lab. Photo: Shutterstock/Sino Studio/Person in the photo is a model.  The Continue reading...
  • I want a phone, but parents won’t allow!

    Disha | On 25-05-2023
    Hey Disha, everyone in my class has a phone. I actually need it for my classes or just to stay in touch with friends. But my parents won’t allow me to have one. It becomes very embarrassing for me sometimes. What to do? Aarna, 14, Gurgaon.  All because of the phone?  Well well, I guess Continue reading...
  • Should I shave my legs Disha?

    Disha | On 09-05-2023
    Should I just shave my legs and arms Disha? I want to look good in shorts. Tia, 14 Hello, puberty! Hi Tia. So my super secret informant told me you’ve hit the plane called puberty huh? First of all yayyy! Tia, who is also my super secret informant, is officially a big girl now you Continue reading...
  • Why doesn’t anyone talk about ‘average’ students?

    Shreyanshi Shrivastava | On 05-04-2023
    Two types of students are famous in school. One – who are high achievers, top all subjects and everyone knows yeh school ka naam roshan karenge! Then there are others, students who pass with grace marks each year. However, apart from these two kinds of students, there is one more category of students who are, Continue reading...
  • How can I get a girl I like to kiss me?

    Disha | On 01-04-2023
    Disha, there’s a girl in my coaching class. She always sits with me and we regularly exchange notes, smiles and likes me. How can I convince her to kiss me?  Ayaan, 16.      Oh, Ayaan my dear, you’ve just opened a can of butterflies, haven’t you? Let’s navigate this maze of teenage crushes together. Continue reading...
  • I can’t concentrate on studies, help!

    Disha | On 21-02-2023
    Disha help me! I get easily distracted and feel I can’t focus on anything for a long time! I keep scrolling through my phone when I sit to study and if I am not doing that all I think about is my crush. What should I do? Rhythm, 15, Bangalore.   Biggest addiction and distraction Well Continue reading...