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    ‘Do all boys do it?’

    Sraboni Bhattacharya | Aug 25th, 2020
    Rohan (13) overheard the word masturbation at school and was clueless what it meant and why his seniors assumed that all people of his age do it. He comes home and catches his elder brother Reyansh off guard with his curiosity. Did he get answers to all his questions? The senior group talk  Eighth graders Continue reading...
  • The reel and the real life of Jack

    Himani Bakhda | On 26-08-2021
    Have you heard this famous fable of the blue Jackal, who fell into a tub of blue dye and was mistaken as a God by other animals. One day the Jackal could not help but howl and everyone came to know that he was but an ordinary Jackal. He was caught and was punished. Now Continue reading...
  • What is an erection?

    Team TeenBook | On 14-07-2021
    Arush, 13, was really confused while brushing his teeth in the morning when he felt something in his shorts. Why was his penis feeling a bit hard and erect? It also happened to him while watching a movie the other day. Is it normal? Should he tell someone? Science Lab comes to Arush’s aid. The Continue reading...
  • Disha, should I get a tattoo?

    Disha | On 09-07-2021
    Disha, should I get a tattoo? My parents will freak out but I want to get one so badly. Vasu, 15, Gurgaon. Huge commitment  Hey Vasu.  So sabse pehle to bro I relaaaaaate. I wanted to get a tattoo so bad when I was around your age. I had it all planned out too. The Continue reading...
  • I felt so confused!

    Sanya Ghai | On 22-04-2021
    Sneha was under a lot of pressure and stress when she was about to choose her subjects for class 11. She made a decision for all the wrong reasons and later regretted it. How did she eventually realise her mistake? She shares her story with TeenBook. Photo: Shutterstock/Daniel M Ernst/Person in photo is a model. Continue reading...
  • What’s the harm in trying once?

    Umeza Peera | On 19-04-2021
    Sakshi and Ridhima (16), two best friends, have always tried every new activity and adventure together. At a party with their friends, Sakshi wants to try something new and Ridhima won’t let her. What’s going on? Let’s read their story. Photo: Shutterstock/otnaydur/Persons in the photo are models, names changed.  The house party!  “How was the Continue reading...
  • My mood swings made me do it?

    Umeza Peera | On 13-04-2021
    Tarnini (15) woke up with a foul mood. One thing led to another and she found herself telling her best friend that she hated her! What went wrong? She shares a page of her daily diary with us. Have you been sailing in the same boat? Read on then… Photo:Shutterstock/Indianstyle/To protect the identity, the person Continue reading...
  • How to deal with my upset Mom?

    Disha | On 31-03-2021
    Hey Disha, my mom scolded me a lot when she found out I have a boyfriend. I am so sad and don’t understand what to do! Drishti, 16. Talk to her  Heyy Drishti! Well, it sounds like you might be in a teeny bit of trouble there. I mean that’s kinda like your worst nightmare Continue reading...
  • Why should boys have all the fun?

    Himani Bakhda | On 11-02-2021
    Ananya (15), was sitting in the school canteen with her friends Nyasa and Deepti. She looked quite glum so her friends asked her what upsets her. And that was it! She shared something which resonated with every girl in the class! What was her common problem? ‘So unfair’ “Ananya, you haven’t even touched your tiffin. Continue reading...
  • I just hate my life!

    Disha | On 10-12-2020
    Hey Disha, I thought it was just a bad couple of days but it’s been so long since I’ve felt okay. I just hate my life. What do I do? Kanika, 15, Ludhiana. You have your own reasons Hey Kanika! First of all I want you to know that it’s absolutely okay to feel sad Continue reading...