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Develop Personality


    What makes us happy?

    Rishika | Apr 19th, 2024
    For some it’s food, for others its exercise or a good book! Yes, we are talking about what makes us happy. Ever wondered what exactly happens inside our body when we feel good or happy? In this edition of Science Lab, we talk about the hormones that help make us feel good, as well as Continue reading...
  • Teen mental health guide by TeenBook

    How to make a good decision?

    Vithika Yadav | On 24-01-2023
    Humanities or Science? Books or shoes? Going out with friends or family? Buying a laptop or a phone? Are you always confused whenever you have a decision to make? You are not alone. Most of us feel the same. But there is a way out. TeenBook co-founder and our guest expert Vithika Yadav has some Continue reading...
  • My Insta posts didn’t get many likes

    Disha | On 22-04-2022
    Hey Disha, yesterday I spent so much time making reel and it did not get many likes. Now I feel really terrible. I don’t feel like even getting up from bed. I always feel like this when my posts don’t get likes. Rishab, 17, Mohali. Why are you on Instagram?  Hellooo broo! So I hear Continue reading...
  • Was it my fault?

    Sanya Ghai | On 08-03-2022
    Gunjan, 14, came back home running and was scared when a group of boys passed inappropriate remarks on her shorts and legs. She thought it was her fault that she wore such clothes. But was it? Let’s find out in this week’s Curocity’s Central.   Shutterstock/Thesamphotography/Person in the photo is a model. ‘I am sorry!’ “Di, Continue reading...
  • ‘I don’t have a girlfriend!’:(

    Disha | On 09-10-2021
    Hey Disha. Today the last single boy in our group (except me of course) also confessed that he has a girlfriend. Now I’m the last one standing. All my guy friends have girlfriends and I can’t even say hi to a girl without my insides exploding. Help me! Viraj, 16, Gurgaon. Single is the new Continue reading...
  • The ‘Ugly’ Duckling

    Himani Bakhda | On 29-06-2020
      What happens when the famous fairytale of The Ugly Duckling gets a TeenBook twist! She definitely doesn’t turn into a ‘beautiful’ swan! Odd one out?  Once upon a time, a mama duck laid five eggs in a farm. Each day she longed for the eggs to hatch. On a fine hot summer day four Continue reading...