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    Teen learning about empathy and compassion

    What does the ‘F’ word mean?

    Team TeenBook | May 15th, 2020
    Arjun (12) wasn’t sure if he should ask his mom what it meant but many of his classmates had been using the word during fights and he didn’t quite understand what it meant. The other day he almost uttered it in response to a rude classmate. ‘I can ask you, right? ‘Mom, what does f@uk Continue reading...
  • ‘I felt used’

    Umeza Peera | On 27-07-2023
    Ajay (17) a boy from a small village in Uttar Pradesh got admission in an engineering college in Mumbai. Everything was new for him but he managed to make some friends. But suddenly they all started ignoring him and he started to feel ‘used’. What exactly happened? He shares the story with TeenBook. All alone Continue reading...
  • ‘I hate my sister’

    Umeza Peera | On 25-07-2023
    Ridhi (15) is angry as she is constantly compared to her sister Lavanya (18), who is really good at studies! Result: Ridhi has almost started hating Lavanya. Was she right in doing so? How did Lavanya feel? Let’s read their story to find out more. ‘So proud of you!’ Everyone was at the breakfast table Continue reading...
  • Anxious, depressed or just in a low mood?

    Team TeenBook | On 22-07-2023
    We often end up using terms interchangeably to describe a not-so-happy state of mind. But what’s the difference really and when should we seek help, and from whom? We tackle these questions in this edition of Curiocity Central.  What is a low mood? A mood describes the way one is feeling at a particular time. Continue reading...
  • Everything you want to know about Periods

    Team TeenBook | On 18-07-2023
    In this edition of That’s Puzzling, we answer the most commonly asked questions about periods aka menstruation! From unbearable pain and mood swings to swimming and menstrual cups, today we answer all your questions on this subject. Let’s dive in!  Q. Is it normal to have really painful periods? No, it’s not normal to have Continue reading...
  • When Cinderella saved herself!

    Himani Bakhda | On 16-07-2023
    Every Cinderella does not need a prince. All she needs is a dream and a heart that doesn’t give up! Presenting Cinderella with a Teenbook twist. Never give up Once upon a time there was a girl named Cinderella. She lost her parents at a very young age. She used to live with her step-mother Continue reading...
  • ‘I wish he had spoken to us’

    Team TeenBook | On 09-07-2023
    Riddhima tells her friends about their classmate Vihaan who had just tried to hurt himself after he failed in several subjects this term. Is everything alright? Riddhima (14) walked to the school canteen for lunch and looked around for her gang. Finally spotting them in the far right corner she made her way through the Continue reading...
  • I have a crush on my teacher!

    Disha | On 18-06-2023
    Disha I have a crush on my English teacher. I mean when she enters the classroom, I get butterflies in my stomach. I think I am in love. What should I do about this feeling! I am clueless. Nyra, 14, Nagpur. Falling in love? Okay, I hear you. We all have our crushes, I mean Continue reading...
  • improving relationships, emotional intelligence

    Eight kinds of intelligence: Which one is yours?

    Team TeenBook | On 13-06-2023
    If we were to ask you, what is that one question that you have to answer all the time, we bet your answer will be – Beta bade ho kar kya karoge! And if you are clueless about how to answer that, here’s a fun way to find out where your calling lies! We are Continue reading...
  • What can you do when a friend comes out to you?

    Team TeenBook | On 08-06-2023
    Tina’s best friend just came out to her! She told her that she doesn’t feel attracted to boys and only feels attracted to girls. Though Teena was happy for her friend, she did not completely understand what this meant. Coming out was a new concept for her and she was confused about how she can Continue reading...