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    How do I say no?

    Sanya Ghai | On 15-12-2020
    Sanjana has always been a big fan of Bollywood films! Little did she know her life would become one! Her best friend of two years Dev has proposed to her. She doesn’t feel the same way for him but does not want to lose his friendship either. Guess what, it’s a Bollywood movie that came Continue reading...

    Is this love or control?

    Umeza Peera | Aug 09th, 2023
    Payal (16) was in relationship with Sahil (16) and they both shared everything with each other; even their passwords. Sahil felt jealous when Payal met her friends or liked pictures of other guys on Insta. Payal felt happy that Sahil was possessive and that he cared for her. Was she right? Is this love? Photo: Continue reading...
  • Everything you want to know about Periods

    Team TeenBook | On 18-07-2023
    In this edition of That’s Puzzling, we answer the most commonly asked questions about periods aka menstruation! From unbearable pain and mood swings to swimming and menstrual cups, today we answer all your questions on this subject. Let’s dive in!  Q. Is it normal to have really painful periods? No, it’s not normal to have Continue reading...
  • ‘His touch did not feel good, what can I do?’

    Team TeenBook | On 16-01-2023
    Ria travels to school by public transport. On the bus, a man touched her breasts and it made her feel uncomfortable. She was not sure if it was by accident or on purpose. She did not know what she could do about it. Sahil too got groped by another man while returning home from his Continue reading...
  • Disability and dating: Tips for teenagers

    Team TeenBook | On 23-12-2022
    Shagun (16) is a person with a disability. She has a crush on a guy in their class but does not know how to navigate the situation. Should she ask her crush out? What will people think? Is it hard for persons with disabilities to be in a relationship? Let’s find out in this week Continue reading...
  • How do trans people experience puberty?

    Team TeenBook | On 23-12-2022
    The start of periods and the growth of breasts in girls and facial hair and voice change in boys. Common signs of puberty in most boys and girls. But what if you are a boy who feels like a girl or vice versa? What would puberty feel like then? Very confusing. Won’t it? We talk Continue reading...
  • Can I be friends with my ex?

    Team TeenBook | On 21-10-2022
    Kaynaat and Ahaan broke up last week. Ahaan got a message from her saying she still wants to be friends with him. Is this even possible, he thought. Can you just be friends with someone you once loved? We look into Ahaan’s problem in this week’s That’s Puzzling. Here are a few tips if you Continue reading...
  • Should you get a cervical cancer vaccine?

    Team TeenBook | On 30-09-2022
    If you are approaching teenage, you may begin to hear about the HPV vaccine. A vaccine for teenagers! Didn’t you get done with them as a kid? The answer is sadly no. The HPV vaccine is a vaccine that prevents cervical cancer but can only be taken when you are approaching puberty or thereafter. So Continue reading...
  • Big or small: should breast size matter?

    Team TeenBook | On 30-09-2022
    Sia, 15, was surprised when she overheard two girls talking in her class that they want to wear padded bras because their breasts are too small. And here she was, always trying to wear loose-fitted tees and walking hunched because she thought her breasts were too big! What is the correct breast size? And does Continue reading...
  • Is there a right size for the penis?

    Team TeenBook | On 29-09-2022
    Kabir’s friends have been discussing and sharing their penis sizes in their post-PE talks and he is now worried that his penis is not big enough. His was much smaller than the numbers they were throwing around! But then what’s the correct size? Is this puzzling you too? Let’s get solving!  Most boys notice that Continue reading...
  • Why can’t I punch him back!

    Umeza Peera | On 09-08-2022
    Aman is very angry. He has been suspended from school. But all he did was stop Rajat’s bullying. Why is he in the wrong? Why isn’t anyone saying anything to Rajat? That’s Puzzling Aman and he shared his frustration with his brother. Picture: Shutterstock/wong yu liang I am not sorry When Aman came back from Continue reading...