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Deal with Issues


    Try being a girl for a day?

    Himani Bakhda | May 10th, 2020
    What if you wake up one day feeling different? Not just a different feeling but a different person, of a different gender. This happened with Krish and he shares his bizarre dream with TeenBook.  Go play a girly sport  Krish and Diya were fifteen years old twin siblings. Both had very similar interests. They enjoyed Continue reading...
  • A hairy adventure gone wrong!

    Sukanya Ghosh | On 11-11-2022
    We rarely talk about the first time we notice our genital organs or the changes that occur in these organs during puberty. Isn’t it so? Well, not with our dear Trisha (15). Her discovery of her pubic hair is quite a story and one with a hair-curling twist in the end. Curious? Well, come then Continue reading...
  • I get unwanted stares at my big breasts!

    Disha | On 12-10-2022
    Hey Disha, I am just so so angry. My breasts are bigger than normal and all the boys in my class and otherwise just keep staring at them! Also, I  feel so uncomfortable in them! Ugh! It’s so irritating. Can’t I reduce their size? Pragya, 15, Bhopal.  Part of growing up Hello Pragya; bro first Continue reading...
  • What are Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)?

    Team TeenBook | On 03-10-2022
    Sexually transmitted Infections, as the name suggests, are infections that spread through unsafe sex with an infected person. Most can be treated easily but some can be incurable or even fatal. So much before one thinks about a sexual experience, one must know how to protect themselves from STIs. Read all about STIs in this Continue reading...
  • Should you get a cervical cancer vaccine?

    Team TeenBook | On 30-09-2022
    If you are approaching teenage, you may begin to hear about the HPV vaccine. A vaccine for teenagers! Didn’t you get done with them as a kid? The answer is sadly no. The HPV vaccine is a vaccine that prevents cervical cancer but can only be taken when you are approaching puberty or thereafter. So Continue reading...
  • Big or small: should breast size matter?

    Team TeenBook | On 30-09-2022
    Sia, 15, was surprised when she overheard two girls talking in her class that they want to wear padded bras because their breasts are too small. And here she was, always trying to wear loose-fitted tees and walking hunched because she thought her breasts were too big! What is the correct breast size? And does Continue reading...
  • talking to parents about sex

    Can I talk to my parents about sex?

    Team TeenBook | On 06-09-2022
    Should I ask my parents about anything related to sex – like some words I keep hearing (condoms, contraception, pregnancy etc)? Will they get angry or offended? Or will they genuinely answer? What if I accidentally utter something? Do you also have these questions in mind? In this week’s Curiocity Central, let’s tackle this big Continue reading...
  • ‘I just deactivated my Insta’

    Sanya Ghai | On 10-08-2022
    “Is it really so important to be super active on social media, reply on time to everything, wish people birthdays and duh…post an opinion, even when I don’t feel like doing it”, Sanya shared her diary with TeenBook after the tragedy where an elephant was fed crackers in a southern Indian village. ‘You have to Continue reading...
  • Why can’t I punch him back!

    Umeza Peera | On 09-08-2022
    Aman is very angry. He has been suspended from school. But all he did was stop Rajat’s bullying. Why is he in the wrong? Why isn’t anyone saying anything to Rajat? That’s Puzzling Aman and he shared his frustration with his brother. Picture: Shutterstock/wong yu liang I am not sorry When Aman came back from Continue reading...
  • My Insta posts didn’t get many likes

    Disha | On 22-04-2022
    Hey Disha, yesterday I spent so much time making reel and it did not get many likes. Now I feel really terrible. I don’t feel like even getting up from bed. I always feel like this when my posts don’t get likes. Rishab, 17, Mohali. Why are you on Instagram?  Hellooo broo! So I hear Continue reading...