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Deal with Issues


    Try being a girl for a day?

    Himani Bakhda | May 10th, 2020
    What if you wake up one day feeling different? Not just a different feeling but a different person, of a different gender. This happened with Krish and he shares his bizarre dream with TeenBook.  Go play a girly sport  Krish and Diya were fifteen years old twin siblings. Both had very similar interests. They enjoyed Continue reading...
  • Teenage acne: How to deal with it?

    Team TeenBook | On 02-09-2023
    Sana (14) is so frustrated with acne on her face for the last year. Her skin was absolutely normal since childhood, but ever since she entered her teenage years, her face has become filled with tiny pimples which refuse to leave her alone! It has hampered her confidence and she feels helpless. Are you sailing Continue reading...
  • Is everything on the internet real?

    Team TeenBook | On 07-08-2023
    ‘What’s the solution to this maths problem?’ – Let’s Google bro, maybe Brainly has an answer! ‘Why is my head hurting on the left side?’ Let me Google and check. ‘Should we put toothpaste on pimples?’ Let’s see what Google says! Are you doing this too? Almost everyone has access to the Internet these days. Continue reading...
  • Anxious, depressed or just in a low mood?

    Team TeenBook | On 22-07-2023
    We often end up using terms interchangeably to describe a not-so-happy state of mind. But what’s the difference really and when should we seek help, and from whom? We tackle these questions in this edition of Curiocity Central.  What is a low mood? A mood describes the way one is feeling at a particular time. Continue reading...
  • Everything you want to know about Periods

    Team TeenBook | On 18-07-2023
    In this edition of That’s Puzzling, we answer the most commonly asked questions about periods aka menstruation! From unbearable pain and mood swings to swimming and menstrual cups, today we answer all your questions on this subject. Let’s dive in!  Q. Is it normal to have really painful periods? No, it’s not normal to have Continue reading...
  • I have a crush on my teacher!

    Disha | On 18-06-2023
    Disha I have a crush on my English teacher. I mean when she enters the classroom, I get butterflies in my stomach. I think I am in love. What should I do about this feeling! I am clueless. Nyra, 14, Nagpur. Falling in love? Okay, I hear you. We all have our crushes, I mean Continue reading...
  • What can you do when a friend comes out to you?

    Team TeenBook | On 08-06-2023
    Tina’s best friend just came out to her! She told her that she doesn’t feel attracted to boys and only feels attracted to girls. Though Teena was happy for her friend, she did not completely understand what this meant. Coming out was a new concept for her and she was confused about how she can Continue reading...
  • Should I shave my legs Disha?

    Disha | On 09-05-2023
    Should I just shave my legs and arms Disha? I want to look good in shorts. Tia, 14 Hello, puberty! Hi Tia. So my super secret informant told me you’ve hit the plane called puberty huh? First of all yayyy! Tia, who is also my super secret informant, is officially a big girl now you Continue reading...
  • How to deal with failures?

    Dr Shishir Palsapure | On 06-01-2023
    ‘I told you to study more, now look at your marks!’ ‘Did you give your 100%, no!’ ‘The whole day you are on your phone, yeh to hona he tha’. Do these dialogues sound familiar? When you get unexpected/below-average marks in exams, do taunts from teachers and parents stress you out? Then read on. TeenBook’s Continue reading...
  • How do trans people experience puberty?

    Team TeenBook | On 23-12-2022
    The start of periods and the growth of breasts in girls and facial hair and voice change in boys. Common signs of puberty in most boys and girls. But what if you are a boy who feels like a girl or vice versa? What would puberty feel like then? Very confusing. Won’t it? We talk Continue reading...