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    Teen learning about empathy and compassion

    What does the ‘F’ word mean?

    Team TeenBook | May 15th, 2020
    Arjun (12) wasn’t sure if he should ask his mom what it meant but many of his classmates had been using the word during fights and he didn’t quite understand what it meant. The other day he almost uttered it in response to a rude classmate. ‘I can ask you, right? ‘Mom, what does f@uk Continue reading...
  • Why do I feel so attracted towards him?

    Umeza Peera | On 09-08-2022
    Jiah (15) is attracted to a senior in her school and she is confused about her feelings as well. Her mother finds out about the situation through her diary. Let’s see how she reacts to this. What is love? Jiah’s mother Ragini was cleaning her room just like every day, but today she saw a Continue reading...
  • Why can’t I punch him back!

    Umeza Peera | On 09-08-2022
    Aman is very angry. He has been suspended from school. But all he did was stop Rajat’s bullying. Why is he in the wrong? Why isn’t anyone saying anything to Rajat? That’s Puzzling Aman and he shared his frustration with his brother. Picture: Shutterstock/wong yu liang I am not sorry When Aman came back from Continue reading...
  • ‘Why does she treat me like this?’

    Shreya Mishra | On 08-08-2022
    Mahi (14) is not sure why Tia, her best friend, is behaving in a strange way and not letting her talk to anyone. She shares a page of her diary with TeenBook. Dear Diary, As you know, Tia has been my friend for so many years. But lately I have been so stressed because no Continue reading...
  • I don’t feel good :(

    Nehaa Singh | On 08-08-2022
    Riddhima (13), a happy, self-proclaimed “goofball” became a victim of bullying. It tore down her confidence and made her miserable until she decided to take matters into her own hands. ‘You are not normal’ I don’t know why Dhruv would pick on me, but I clearly remember when the bullying started. It was the second Continue reading...
  • ‘What if Mumma found out?’

    Team TeenBook | On 31-07-2022
    It’s so hot and Ishaan has been wearing socks the whole day. He didn’t take them off for a second. He can’t take a chance. ‘What if someone saw me, the real me? If Mumma saw my toenails painted with her ruby red nail polish, I can’t imagine what she’d think or say’, Ishan shares Continue reading...
  • ‘What if I am not as good as her?’

    Sanya Ghai | On 30-07-2022
    Samaira (14) is a wonderful dancer but she keeps comparing herself to Jiya. This is not just hampering her peace of mind but also her self-esteem. She shares a page of her diary with us. I love to dance but… It’s almost 12 a.m. and I am unable to sleep because of so many thoughts. Continue reading...
  • What does ‘coming out’ mean?

    Team TeenBook | On 16-06-2022
    ‘Coming out’ is short for ‘coming out of the closet’, which means telling people around you about your sexual orientation i.e if you are attracted to the opposite sex ( boy to a girl/girl to a boy) or same-sex (boy to a boy/girl to a girl). Let’s understand more about this term. Don’t assume  Usually, Continue reading...
  • Teens managing stress

    My best friend ignoring me for her bf

    Disha | On 13-05-2022
    My best friend is ignoring me like crazy since she began a relationship. She doesn’t call me much now and also doesn’t even sit with me in the classroom. It’s as if I did something terrible! Vani, 15, Amritsar.  It’s common! Sia, my girl, honestly this problem is actually a lot more common than you Continue reading...
  • My Insta posts didn’t get many likes

    Disha | On 22-04-2022
    Hey Disha, yesterday I spent so much time making reel and it did not get many likes. Now I feel really terrible. I don’t feel like even getting up from bed. I always feel like this when my posts don’t get likes. Rishab, 17, Mohali. Why are you on Instagram?  Hellooo broo! So I hear Continue reading...