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    Teen learning about empathy and compassion

    What does the ‘F’ word mean?

    Team TeenBook | May 15th, 2020
    Arjun (12) wasn’t sure if he should ask his mom what it meant but many of his classmates had been using the word during fights and he didn’t quite understand what it meant. The other day he almost uttered it in response to a rude classmate. ‘I can ask you, right? ‘Mom, what does f@uk Continue reading...
  • My fear of Math and Mumma’s magical tips

    Saumya | On 28-02-2025
    Rohit, a 10th-grade student, started feeling extremely stressed due to his upcoming board exams. The moment he opened his books, he felt anxious. He couldn’t even sleep. While some of his friends were also stressed, others seemed to be handling their studies with ease. Rohit felt stuck and didn’t know how to overcome his fear. Continue reading...
  • Why do I feel nervous when speaking in front of people?

    Team Teenbook | On 21-02-2025
    Riddhi (17) always felt her heart race and her mind go blank whenever she had to speak in front of a crowd. But she finally figured out why it happens—and how to handle it. Let’s find out more in That’s Puzzling! I still remember the first time I had to speak in front of my Continue reading...
  • Why you can’t stop scrolling: The science of social media addiction

    shreyadevcons-org | On 21-02-2025
    Be honest—how many times have you picked up your phone today? Did you just check your notifications? Swiped through Instagram reels? Lost track of time watching one more cricket highlight? Before you start blaming yourself for wasting time, let’s get something straight—it is not entirely your fault. Let’s find out more in today’s Science Lab!  Continue reading...
  • The FOMO chronicles: When your friends forget you exist

    Shreya | On 19-02-2025
    Rohan feels left out as his friends talk inside jokes and make plans without him. With Ishan’s advice, he starts to see things differently—but will it change anything? Let’s find out today!  After school—Rohan and Ishan—are sitting on the last bus seat heading home. Rohan looks distracted, staring at the ground. Ishan: Bro, you look Continue reading...
  • Being the new kid in the class is scary!

    Vinayana Khurana | On 05-02-2025
    New schools can be overwhelming, with all the jitters of meeting unfamiliar faces and fitting in. Vinayana shared with TeenBook, reminiscing about her diary entry from a day that began with nerves but turned into something extraordinary. Thanks to Mira’s curiosity and kindness, what started as a scary first day transformed into the beginning of Continue reading...
  • How to keep calm and pimple on?

    Shreya | On 30-01-2025
    Trisha spills the tea in her diary for TeenBook, sharing how she turned her “ugh, life’s so unfair” days into “wow, I did that!” moments. From epic fails to small wins, she proves that a little sass, a lot of grit, and some cheerleaders in your corner can totally change the game. Her story’s like Continue reading...
  • ‘I did not feel ready for it’

    Umeza Peera | On 18-01-2025
    Ananya (16) has started dating Ronit (17) the most handsome boy in the college, she is feeling on top of the world. She talks to Ronit every day, he makes her laugh and giggle all the time but today is different. She is hesitant and they are not talking. What went wrong? Let’s find out Continue reading...
  • How to deal with friendship breakups?

    Disha | On 08-01-2025
    Hello, besties! So, last night, while I was doom-scrolling through Instagram (as one does, duh!), I came across a post that said, “Real maturity is knowing friendship breakups hurt worse than actual breakups.” And while that might not be my exact definition of maturity, the statement does hit hard. Just like a teen messaged me Continue reading...
  • How to stop your brain from overthinking

    Shreya | On 20-12-2024
    Exams, drama, and nonstop “what ifs”—Aditi and Rehan can’t catch a break. But with Meera and Rhea’s help, they might just learn how. Ready to stop overthinking? Find out how this edition of Canteen Talk! It’s the weekend, and the gang is hanging out at their favorite café. Aditi and Rehan are buried in their Continue reading...