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  • My parents compare me to others!

    Disha | On 05-07-2021
    Hey Disha. My parents always compare me to other kids of my age, I’m so tired of it. What should I do? Arsh, 14, Lucknow. It’s not uncommon Arre arre, shaant baalak! Take a deep breath and calm down. Cool? Toh, now let’s talk about the issue here. Comparison. I guess nobody here is a Continue reading...
  • I just hate my life!

    Disha | On 10-12-2020
    Hey Disha, I thought it was just a bad couple of days but it’s been so long since I’ve felt okay. I just hate my life. What do I do? Kanika, 15, Ludhiana. You have your own reasons Hey Kanika! First of all I want you to know that it’s absolutely okay to feel sad Continue reading...
  • When Kubja became confident!

    Anu Shakti Singh | On 18-08-2020
    Have you heard the story of Kubri Kubja – whom Krishna turned into a beautiful woman? Now read this story with a Teenbook Twist! Why Kubja?  Once upon a time there lived a girl in the city named Mathura. She was clever, intelligent and cared for everyone. The girl loved picking flowers and making different Continue reading...