Rehan was more excited than usual to reach school and talk to his gang (Mehul, Ria, Shanaya, Nitin, Adya) at the canteen about a movie he saw last night. Rehan’s gang had a ritual of discussing movies and series they watch and dissecting them bit by bit, discussing what they like, what they hate, and Continue reading...
Hey Disha, I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately. There are days when I get super emotional, like when I miss my school bus, forget my homework, and then argue with my best friend—all in one day! Everything just piles up, and I can’t control my emotions. How can I stay in control of my feelings Continue reading...
Ever laughed at a meme and suddenly felt way too emotional? Aarav did too. One moment he was scrolling, the next he was questioning his entire life over a dog meme. In this edition of Canteen Talk, we dive into Aarav’s story to explore why your feelings change so fast and how to handle those Continue reading...
Rohan feels left out as his friends talk inside jokes and make plans without him. With Ishan’s advice, he starts to see things differently—but will it change anything? Let’s find out today! After school—Rohan and Ishan—are sitting on the last bus seat heading home. Rohan looks distracted, staring at the ground. Ishan: Bro, you look Continue reading...
Himani(13) is devastated due to the death of her pet dog, Gullu. She shares some of her fond memories and moments spent with her pet dog through her diary with TeenBook. Let’s read on! Dear Diary, Today, I feel really sad. It’s like my eyes are still searching for Gullu. Yes, Gullu – my pet Continue reading...
New schools can be overwhelming, with all the jitters of meeting unfamiliar faces and fitting in. Vinayana shared with TeenBook, reminiscing about her diary entry from a day that began with nerves but turned into something extraordinary. Thanks to Mira’s curiosity and kindness, what started as a scary first day transformed into the beginning of Continue reading...
15-year-old Anjali was a very confident girl, but suddenly something happened in her life that took away the smile from her face. In this story, Anjali shares her experience with us. Let’s see what happened to Anjali… I was always a confident girl, and till grade 8, my only worries were my crush, school projects, Continue reading...
Trisha spills the tea in her diary for TeenBook, sharing how she turned her “ugh, life’s so unfair” days into “wow, I did that!” moments. From epic fails to small wins, she proves that a little sass, a lot of grit, and some cheerleaders in your corner can totally change the game. Her story’s like Continue reading...
Ever feel like you’re running on empty because you just can’t say no? That’s exactly what happened to Aryan—until his sister stepped in with a reality check. Read how he learned that setting boundaries isn’t rude, it’s self-care on this edition of Feelings Express. It was one of those weeks when everything seemed to pile Continue reading...
You’re scrolling through Instagram late at night, watching everyone post their fun moments with friends, but for some reason, you feel more isolated than ever. You’ve got a ton of “friends” online, but there’s still a sense of emptiness. Sound familiar? This is what we call loneliness—and it’s not just about being physically alone. Then Continue reading...
Exams, drama, and nonstop “what ifs”—Aditi and Rehan can’t catch a break. But with Meera and Rhea’s help, they might just learn how. Ready to stop overthinking? Find out how this edition of Canteen Talk! It’s the weekend, and the gang is hanging out at their favorite café. Aditi and Rehan are buried in their Continue reading...
Say hello to Aarav and Riya, the ultimate frenemy duo always on the hunt for their next debate topic. This time, it’s all about paneer! But hold up, when their senior, Rohan, swoops in, things take an interesting turn. Wondering what magic words Rohan dropped to make them rethink their stance? Keep reading to find Continue reading...