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    Which country has a rainbow flag?

    Team TeenBook | Jun 26th, 2020
    It’s June and Aahana (13) has seen several rainbow flags on her Instagram page. She wasn’t really sure what country the flag belonged to and why was everyone posting it in June! Should she ask mom? A people’s flag  ‘Mom which country has a flag with rainbow colours? And what is the meaning of Happy Continue reading...
  • ‘I don’t have a girlfriend!’:(

    Disha | On 09-10-2021
    Hey Disha. Today the last single boy in our group (except me of course) also confessed that he has a girlfriend. Now I’m the last one standing. All my guy friends have girlfriends and I can’t even say hi to a girl without my insides exploding. Help me! Viraj, 16, Gurgaon. Single is the new Continue reading...
  • Which country has a rainbow flag?

    Team TeenBook | On 26-06-2020
    It’s June and Aahana (13) has seen several rainbow flags on her Instagram page. She wasn’t really sure what country the flag belonged to and why was everyone posting it in June! Should she ask mom? A people’s flag  ‘Mom which country has a flag with rainbow colours? And what is the meaning of Happy Continue reading...