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Deal with Issues


    Try being a girl for a day?

    Himani Bakhda | May 10th, 2020
    What if you wake up one day feeling different? Not just a different feeling but a different person, of a different gender. This happened with Krish and he shares his bizarre dream with TeenBook.  Go play a girly sport  Krish and Diya were fifteen years old twin siblings. Both had very similar interests. They enjoyed Continue reading...
  • Why you can’t stop scrolling: The science of social media addiction

    shreyadevcons-org | On 21-02-2025
    Be honest—how many times have you picked up your phone today? Did you just check your notifications? Swiped through Instagram reels? Lost track of time watching one more cricket highlight? Before you start blaming yourself for wasting time, let’s get something straight—it is not entirely your fault. Let’s find out more in today’s Science Lab!  Continue reading...
  • How to keep calm and pimple on?

    Shreya | On 30-01-2025
    Trisha spills the tea in her diary for TeenBook, sharing how she turned her “ugh, life’s so unfair” days into “wow, I did that!” moments. From epic fails to small wins, she proves that a little sass, a lot of grit, and some cheerleaders in your corner can totally change the game. Her story’s like Continue reading...
  • ‘I did not feel ready for it’

    Umeza Peera | On 18-01-2025
    Ananya (16) has started dating Ronit (17) the most handsome boy in the college, she is feeling on top of the world. She talks to Ronit every day, he makes her laugh and giggle all the time but today is different. She is hesitant and they are not talking. What went wrong? Let’s find out Continue reading...
  • I felt so…off.

    Shreya | On 21-11-2024
    Sia, 17, is getting ready for her farewell party at school but nothing she wears is sitting right with her. She’s changed countless outfits but the only thing getting worse is her mood. Read along as she shares her experience and figures out what’s behind that “off” feeling in this edition of That’s puzzling.  She Continue reading...
  • How to handle exams?

    Team TeenBook | On 21-10-2024
    Exams, in any form, can be a source of stress and anxiety for many of us – some feel sleepless before an exam, others draw a blank when they see a question paper and some of us get panic attacks. But exams are a part of our life and we need to learn to cope Continue reading...
  • Teens managing stress

    How can I handle my emotions?

    Disha | On 22-07-2024
    Hey Disha, I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately. There are days when I get super emotional, like when I miss my school bus, forget my homework, and then argue with my best friend—all in one day! Everything just piles up, and I can’t control my emotions. How can I stay in control of my feelings Continue reading...
  • Tips for dealing with life's hardships

    Why is my life so hard!

    Shreya | On 08-07-2024
    Raghav didn’t make the cricket team. How did he handle the disappointment, and what valuable lessons did he learn along the way? Dive into this week’s edition to explore Raghav’s journey as he shares a heartfelt page from his diary.   Dear diary,  Today was tough. I mean, seriously tough. Life feels like one of Continue reading...
  • I failed my exams, what do I do?

    Disha | On 13-05-2024
    Hi Disha. I just checked out my midterm results and they’re… not good. I am freaking out. How will I tell my parents? What should I do? Please help! Arin, 14 Lucknow.     Hey there! So, you got the news about your midterms, huh? Well, grab a seat and lend me your ear, because Continue reading...

    What are PCOS and PCOD?

    Team TeenBook | On 13-04-2024
    Ahana, 16, is facing a lot of problems with her menstrual cycle. Her periods are irregular and painful. Her mother noticed her discomfort and took her to a doctor. After several tests, the doctor detected that Ahana has Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS). The term was very confusing for her and she wanted more information on Continue reading...