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  • I like someone at school but my parents won’t understand!

    Disha | On 11-01-2024
    Hi Disha, I like someone from school and the best part is they like me too!  But my parents don’t understand that this is normal. I don’t want to hide things from them but I don’t want to make them angry/disappointed either. Tarini, 17, Gurgaon.     Hello Tarini and let me start by saying Continue reading...
  • ‘What if Mumma found out?’

    Team TeenBook | On 31-07-2022
    It’s so hot and Ishaan has been wearing socks the whole day. He didn’t take them off for a second. He can’t take a chance. ‘What if someone saw me, the real me? If Mumma saw my toenails painted with her ruby red nail polish, I can’t imagine what she’d think or say’, Ishan shares Continue reading...
  • The laws and physics of attraction

    Team TeenBook | On 30-05-2020
    Aarav, Sara and friend are curious about attraction. Why do people get attracted to each other and how do they express it? They would really love to understand more. Come let’s find out together. It’s that feeling! Guess what! I finally shared my feelings with Rhea. Phew! I was extremely nervous that I almost fumbled. Continue reading...