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    Under pressure for first kiss?

    Niyatii N Shah | On 05-12-2023
    So almost all your friends have a boyfriend or a girlfriend. And many are bragging about their first kiss? And not only do you feel left out, but also under pressure to do the same? How to handle this pressure? TeenBook’s Guest Expert Niyatii Shah answers. Peer pressure So you are facing peer pressure? How Continue reading...

    Should children be taught about sex?

    Niyatii N Shah | Aug 30th, 2023
    When it comes to sex education, parents unanimously vote for the abstinence approach, meaning they do not want their children to have (or even know about) sex or any kind of sexual activity. But does that work? As teenagers develop into adults, is it safe for our children to move to adulthood, without any knowledge Continue reading...
  • How to talk to your teen about porn?

    Niyatii N Shah | On 19-10-2021
    It is very likely that our teenagers will come across porn, intentionally or accidentally. What should you do as a parent in that situation? Sexuality educator Niyatii N Shah explains. Real and reel From my experience, children are watching porn – intentionally or unintentionally, by the age of ten. And it’s not easy for any Continue reading...